Monday, October 12, 2009

The Marshmallow Test: More on the absurdity of abstinence-only sex education

SUPER funny video via H*yas for Choice, another awesome pro-choice student group at Georgetown University.


Daniel said...

I finally got a chance to watch the video.

I hope this is not actually how this pro-choice group understands "abstinence-only" sex education.

The movie was funny, but it was hardly an analogy to the current, serious discussions on the relationship between sex and marriage.

Emily said...

Well I was never told to not eat my marshmallow, but I was told that I am like an apple. And when a bite gets taken out of my apple, I start to turn brown. And who in their right mind wants to eat a brown, chewed up apple? I have friends whose body was likened to a piece of tape... the more you use tape, the less it sticks, and no one has use for tape that isn't sticky.

Is these the "current, serious discussions on the relationship between sex and marriage" that you are referring to? If so, I'd rather not have that discussion and I'd rather not have my sister, or my friends, or my daughters have that discussion either.

Women aren't apples, or tape, or flowers. And they aren't going to turn rotten, or grow useless, or wilt. Women are women, and they have vaginas, not flowers, and they should have the information to make smart choices about their vaginas and what they put inside of them.

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